Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Ph.D. Admission for Spring Semester 2011-12
Indian Institue of Technology Roorkee (Formerly University of Roorkee), a premier Institute of Science and Technology, has a distinguished tradition of excellence spanning over 160 years. The Departments / Centres of the Institute are engaged in teaching, research and consultancy in the field of Engineering, Technology,
Science and Management. The Institute offers 22 Undergraduate Courses including IDD and Integrated M.Tech. in Engineering & Architecture and 51 Postgraduate Courses in Engineering, Architecture, Science, Technology and Business Administration. The Institute has been placed at the top in the country in coveted
sector employment in Science and Technology.
Applications are invited for admission to full time/part time Ph.D. Programmes in the following departments/centres:
• Alternate Hydro-Energy Centre • Architecture and Planning • Biotechnology • Chemical Engineering • Chemistry
• Civil Engineering • Earthquake Engineering • Earth Sciences • Electrical Engineering • Electronics & Computer Engg.
• Humanities and Social Sciences • Hydrology • Management Studies • Mathematics • Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
• Metallurgical & Materials Engineering • Physics • Paper Technology • Water Resources Development & Management
• Centre for Transportation Systems(CTRANS) • Centre for Disaster Mitigation • Centre for Nanotechnology.
• Institute Instrumentation Centre
The applicant for admission to the Ph.D. programme shall be classified under any one of the following categories which will be decided and recommended by
(I) Full-time Research student/Candidate
a) Research student/Candidate getting Institute MHRD assistantship.
b) Research student/Candidate including foreign nationals getting financial support from Govt. / Semi Govt. agencies (QIP, CSIR, UGC, DAE, DST, DBT,
c) Research student/Candidate including foreign nationals supported by a sponsoring organization, the applicant (Sponsored Research Student/ Candidate) having TWO years experience out of which at least ONE year experience with the sponsoring agency.
d) Self Financed Research student/Candidate
—Indian: This category refers to persons with experience and with good track record to join the doctoral programme. They will be admitted along with the regular research students through the usual admission procedure.
—Foreign: Admission of Foreign nationals to Ph.D. programme will be made as per policy and direction of the Govt. of India from time to time
—Study Leave: This category refers to persons who are released from governmental or educational institutions on study leave for a period of not less than three years for pursuing Ph.D. programme. They will be admitted along with the regular research students through the usual admission procedure.
*e) Research student / Candidate regularly working full time in an R & D project at IITR. His Ph.D. topic is in confirmation to the project as certified by the SRC.
II) Part-time Research Student/ Candidate:
a) Research student/Candidate working as a regular employee in the Institute
*b) Research student / Candidate working regularly full-time in an R&D project in the institute. The project must have tenure of at least next 2 years.
c) Research student / Candidate working in other organizations / institutes, approved by IIT Roorkee as Research Centre or having MoU for research purposes.
* The research student / candidate working in a project will be given full time status, provided his research for Ph.D. is related to the project as certified by the SRC. However, part time research student/candidate may be given full time status when the project tenure is completed.