Showing posts with label SRF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SRF. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2011

RA, SRF, JRF 2011 Walk In Interview will be on 24 October 2011 Mizoram University, Aizawl

Mizoram University, Aizawl

RA, SRF, JRF 2011

Walk In Interview will be on 24 October 2011

A Walk-in Interview will be held for the selection of RA / SRF / JRF under the DBT-sponsored project 'DBT-State Biotech Hub' at Mizoram University, Aizawl.

1) Research Associate (RA)
Eligibility: PhD degree in Biological / Chemical / Physical / Agri / Veterinary Sciences / Biomedical Sciences. Evidence of research experience in molecular biology techniques is essential from published work.

2) Senior Research Fellow/Junior Research Fellow
Eligibility for SRF: MSc degree in Biological / Chemical / Physical / Agri / Veterinary Sciences / Biomedical Sciences and two years of post-MSc research experience is essential.
Eligibility for JRF: Candidates having MSc degree in the above. NET / GATE / BINC candidates will be given preference